Wednesday, February 2, 2005

How Do They Putcars In Malls embaucador @ 2005-02-02T17: 27:00

WHAT DO YOU DO IF: I committed suicide
I tell you I like you: I kiss
live in next door: Top
stole something: I was hospitalized
Me piro from home: I get
to give wafers in a fight:

YOU THINK OF MY: Personality
Face: Hair
Clothing: Ways

Who are you?:
Are we friends?:
When and how did we meet?:
How do I influence?:
What do you think of me?:
What is the memory you have of me?:
How long do you think we will be friends?:
Do you love me ?:
Did I ever hurt?:
you hold me?:
Do I kiss?: CHTMLX