Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wisin Y Yandelleather Jackets

For all the fans in the world of Harry Potter. For fans of The Marauders. But even for fans of marauder hysterical! Crack.

Title: Prisoners
Fandom: marauder! Crack (because it is a fandom in all its glory)
Paring: Remus / Sirius Warnings
: Scene should be rewritten as be after reading marauder! crack, JKR should have taken into account. And after rereading the Prisoner of Azkaban is that I need to write this scene.
Beta: [info] Malale
Words: I have not told

ran, at most they gave her legs. The passage was narrow, narrow, almost could not breathe. It had been too small for his size, and it was not huge. But he ran, forcing his legs to move forward. More, more and more. "Please begged his limbs.

stomach turned upside down, his heart had stopped a while ago. Just when she saw him. The map, the speck that moved. Names. name. names. Truth fell like a bucket of ice water. He stopped a second and then ... ran.

" they said.

reached the hatch was open. Do not wait another second. He climbed up stairs on the trail he had left the boy being dragged. Poor .

But his head, no heart, no soul. His whole being. Do not let him think about the kids. He was. And that was all that mattered now. Over the traitor, above all else. was it.

came to the door just to hear the kids and threw a thud:
- Expeliermus "he shouted. And three sticks fell into his hands. Then he turned. He .

Scruffy, unkempt, greƱoso, thin to exhaustion. Crazy looking sickly. Almost unrecognizable. But their eyes met. And they were their own. With such a force unmistakable scoundrel. His eyes. Sirius. ---

Weather Azkaban for something he did not commit, that horror day after day. Living in a nightmare getting social forces, IQuest, of what it was that the whole wizarding world knew he was innocent if Remus did not believe him? You're welcome. Absolutely nothing. ----

Their eyes met. ----

His forces were broken and fell to his knees. Still looking.

---- Lupin saw

mourn, silent tears coming out in droves. Perhaps he too will cry. No OIAA boys. Just heard the faint whisper coming out of those trembling lips. Repeating over and over again like a mantra:
"I was not, I was not, I was not, I was not ... & rdquoo;

was angry because someone had to be ashamed was he, not Sirius. It was he, for not having believed from the beginning. Por haber hecho caso de “las pruebas y los testimonios” y no haber creído en esos ojos que se obligó a no mirar hacía trece años. Moron. It was he who had to apologize to his knees.

And yes, I was sure he also cried, because her eyes stung. Although no more than the heart. This unhealed wound festering away for years. Fell with him. He shookhands to lift and when I touched his arm Sirius shrugged about himself. Without stopping to whisper the same thing. Covering her face with her hands.

The little strength that he had cracked. She hugged him tightly. The two wept. "I was not, I was not, I was not, I was not ..." "I know, know, know, know, know ..."

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year ... and swear that your intentions never were to become good ... A make mischief, people! : P


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