Monday, October 25, 2010

Rollerskating Place In The Bay Area

To [info] luandachan and [info] Malale , the two great followers of the fandom and whose screams hysterically when reading this nonsense that pass through my mind is happy to write: p

Title: Differences

Fandom: Toy Story
Claim: Sid / Andy
948 Warning: pg-13

is a rainy Sunday, perfect for what they have prepared. Sid seems animated by the idea and Andy needs urgentement a quiet afternoon.

have been fueled by copious amounts of carbs, sugar and other crap to spend all afternoon repancingados watching movies without having to worry because the reserves of popcorn and coke shortages.

Enter the car and the boot, leaving the radio switches hear a distinctive guitar strum. A rogue smile on the face of Sid while driving until ...

- Was that a snort? "Asks astonished.

- What?

-Andy, tell me that has not been a snort before Maestoften easy to understand what the songs say.

- The guitar solos are the best!

"In the eighty-sunglasses (because yes, rain, sun and everything will not be with a mist or a scary movie, but Sid does not go out without his sunglasses . Genio to the grave) will slide down the bridge of the nose.

"I can not believe. And not have to "understand the words," he says as if it were a small child of 4 years, you have to "feel".

"I can" feel "something not" understand ", Sid - Sid? As it is notenios .- sarcasm, Sid sure that's sarcasm. Arrive at the residence and come running to avoid getting wet, loaded bags.


antisocial. Andy, are you saying that you too are an anti-social? Because if you laugh and understand is that as you do not study physics and you're not a genius (you kill yourself to study for a miserable notable) I assume that you laugh on the side of those crazy "antisocial no? What they need most is to fuck those.

"I'm not antisocial and fuck with you, I have to do you remember? So bad are our powders do not remember? "Pretend something like disbelief, Sid para dry on the stairs and looks as if to say "Are you sure you're asking me that?" - Bazinga. -Sid frowns ceƱoy keeps going up, pissed. Are you sure you have stayed with him. - And that has nothing to do with not supporting those songs over 10 minutes in which 8 of them are insufferable guitar strums.

-guitar solos ... "Close the door with a kick because by god, I seriously have to explain the essence of rock? Really?! "Are the essence of ROCK sighs And the passion is rock, pure attitude blackguard, is love, Andy opened her eyes (did you say love? Itand burns at every touch, is the desire in the stomach, are looking forward to a few millimeters from his lips and whispers over his own, without actually kissing. Andy? Little more than rooted to the spot and spliced the day is long breaths, are mixed. The rock is not music, is a lifestyle, a way of being. You can not ask me why I like the rock if every time I run you like me is sounded in my head all the time Led Zeppelin.

Andy has a moment of divine revelation, then spliced while Sid whispers its dogma of living so close and so hot. A few seconds of silence and then can not bear mas and kisses him, he thrusts his hand vigorously. If that is rock, then you just become a fan supreme.

"Make me listen to rock n 'roll," he asked biting his lip.


The afternoon will be quiet no longer, nor will there be movie, popcorn or Coca-cola, but it sure will rock and roll. And the good.


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